02. Loading Streetview

Loading Streetview


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Google Streetview image requests must include the size and location parameters.

In the video, Cameron adds the concatenated streetStr and cityStr values to the string: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=600x300&location= to create a complete image request that includes the required parameters.

Learn how to collect <input> values with jQuery here.

Interested in diving into the Google Street View API? Check out its documentation

You can find the AJAX project in the Downloadables section: Udacity_AJAX_INIT
Clicking on Udacity_AJAX_INIT will download a .zip file. Uncompress it and you'll find a directory with HTML, CSS and JS files. You'll be editing js/script.js.
Open index.html with your browser to test the page.
You'll also need to use jQuery's append method to add an <img> to the page. Make sure it has a class of bgimg. For example: $body.append('<img class="bgimg" src="http://example.com/someimage.png">');
Notice how the new <img> HTML element is just a string passed into .append().